Yum and Double Yum, They Need to Sell These In the USA

Who doesn’t like a Chinese steamed bun? I love it. It’s also called a “bao” and its soft doughy exterior often contains roast pork. All you want to know here.…

Who doesn’t like a Chinese steamed bun? I love it. It’s also called a “bao” and its soft doughy exterior often contains roast pork. All you want to know here.

Who doesn’t like Flan? I love it. You know the stuff—an eggy, silky smooth type of custard with a drizzling layer of caramel on top. Learn to make it.

Smash them together and what do you get? Only in Japan will you get a steamed bun with flan inside for a buck.

I say double yum.

Via Rocket News.