Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting six books on self-empowerment: fermentation, feminism, punk, bicycling, sewing, and comics journalism

Microcosm Publishing Spring 2017 Kickstarter

Elly from Microcosm Publishing (previously) writes, “We decided to try something different this time, and put up a project to help fund and spread the word about all six of the books we’re putting out this coming spring. They’re all very different on the surface, but the thread that runs through them is exactly what makes Microcosm work as a publishing company: Book-shaped tools that help people create the lives they want to live and the world they want to see.”

“There’s never just one simple fix for any complicated problem, you need to approach it from all fronts. So we have a book about fixing your clothes, and another about feeling good on your bicycle. We have some surprisingly profound punk rock history and a book about basic fermenting. We have a book about coming-of-age as a queer, Cuban teen in Miami in the 90s (written and illustrated by the incredible Cristy C. Road of Greenzine fame) and a work of comics journalism about the 2001 Cincinnati ‘riots’ that last six days after police shot a young, Black man at a traffic stop. They couldn’t be more different, but to us, they’re all part of the same whole, not to mention urgently necessary in one way or another at this moment. I do believe that books can save us (or at least be what inspires us to save ourselves).”

Microcosm publishes great crowdfunded books and delivers reliably, so this is a very low-risk crowdfunder for some great books!

Microcosm’s Spring: Fix Your Clothes, Guts, and Community
[Microcosm Publishing/Kickstarter]

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