Bodum pour-over coffee maker with permanent filter $(removed)

The Bodum coffee maker I posted about a couple of weeks ago is on sale at Amazon for $(removed) "With the Chemex, even a moron can make good coffee.” Those…

The Bodum coffee maker I posted about a couple of weeks ago is on sale at Amazon for $(removed)

"With the Chemex, even a moron can make good coffee.” Those were the memorable words of inventor and bon vivant Peter Schlumbohm, praising his creation. A Chemex costs $(removed) on Amazon, but you can buy what appears to be a functionally identical semiknockoff from Bodum for half the price. Unlike the Chemex, which requires a paper filter, the Bodum has a permanent stainless steel mesh filter. It's made from borosilicate glass, and is "mouth-blown" as opposed to being blown with another orifice capable of producing pressurized gas.