Scarfolk's lost 1970s budget announcement lays bare the modern Tory strategy

Scarfolk is a fictional English horror-town stuck in a perpetual loop, from 1970-1980, from which beautifully weathered artifacts escape onto our modern Web. Richard Littler is Scarfolk's conduit to our…

Scarfolk is a fictional English horror-town stuck in a perpetual loop, from 1970-1980, from which beautifully weathered artifacts escape onto our modern Web.

Richard Littler is Scarfolk's conduit to our reality, and he usually focuses on John Wyndham-esque items that thrill and chill and delight. But Scarfolk's strange world is at its best when it parallels our own, through Star Wars medical merch and children's books themed for the Snoopers Charter.

Today, we get a glimpse of Scarfolk's annual budget statement, where the local council's financial plans reveal the subtext of every Tory budget from 2015-2020.

Scarfolk's Annual Budget Announcement