Office chairs made out of old Vespa scooters

Barcelona design firm Bel & Bel makes chairs out of the front farings of old Vespa scooters, with the option of working turn-signals (no side-mirrors in sight, alas). The farings…

Barcelona design firm Bel & Bel makes chairs out of the front farings of old Vespa scooters, with the option of working turn-signals (no side-mirrors in sight, alas).

The farings are reinforced, fitted to a reclining, hydraulic wheel-base, and upholstered in fake leather. No prices given, which usually means, "If you have to ask, you won't be able to afford it."

Its traditional character and high-end components only makes it a unique product and a great sample of contemporary design.

It is also a piece emotionally charged for all lovers of this classic and iconic motorcycle.

Base model can be customized with a wide variety of extras (if you are interested in customizing your chair or need more info please contact us here).

Bel & Bel Scooter Chair

(via Crazy Abalone)