New Disruptors 55: Boing Boing Editors at XOXO 2013

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In September 2013, I interviewed at the XOXO conference and festival the four lead editors of Boing Boing, this fine publication, a descendant of zine culture that is one of the most popular blogs on the Internet, on the occasion of its 25th continuous year in existence. For the day after Christmas, it seems appropriate to celebrate generosity and gift culture with Mark Frauenfelder, David Pescovitz, Cory Doctorow, and Xeni Jardin. (Photo by Jenni Leder.)

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As with all the sessions at XOXO, the presentation is Creative Commons licensed, and I separately obtained permission from Andy Baio and Andy McMillan. Thanks, too, to Mike Gebhardt and Betty Farrier of, the folks who videotaped throughout XOXO 2012 and 2013, for providing the high-quality audio file.

You can watch the entire session as video, too, on YouTube.

To follow along with some of the early part of the interview, as I introduce the editors, you can view this PDF.

The New Disruptors is a podcast about people who make art, things, or connections finding new ways to reach an audience and build a community. Glenn Fleishman is the host, and he talks with new guests every week. Find previous episodes at the podcast's home.