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Software-authored book of conversation-starters

JanusNode sez, “Janusnode is ‘a user-configurable dynamic textual projective surface,’ AKA a programmable text generating application. It has released a book entitled ‘You can bring an elephant to a Broadway show, but you cannot make it drink Chablis: 365 computer-generated excuses to converse’, self-published (copyright-free) through As the title suggests, the book consists of 365 automatically-generated (but human-curated) topics for discussion, ranging from the bizarre to the profound. The rule set for generating the discussion topics ships with JanusNode (among many other rule sets), which is free from, so you can also generate and choose your own discussion topics if you don’t want to spring for the printed pre-curated set.”

You can bring an elephant to a Broadway show, but you cannot make it drink Chablis: 365 computer-generated excuses to converse

(Thanks, JanusNode!)

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