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UK government offers unlimited budget to pay ISPs to spy on us

The other shoe is slowly dropping on the “Snooper’s Charter” — the proposed UK Internet spying legislation that will require ISPs to harvest and retain fantastic quantities of user activity and make it available to government and law enforcement without a warrant. In a bid to win support for the proposal, the government has offered a “blank cheque” to ISPs, with an offer to pay for additional equipment required to effect this mass surveillance system. They also continue to draw a wholly artificial distinction between “metadata” and “content” — the URL of a web-page you visit can be had with out a warrant, but the content of the page can’t be (unless the police then go look at that page). This obfuscation is intended to make spying into every corner of our digital lives without judicial review — without suspicion — somehow less terrifying.

The communications data police and others may seek about an individual includes email addresses and phone numbers of people who have been in contact, when this happened, and where, the details giving the police records of suspects’ associates and activities.

Online privacy: Home Office to write blank cheque for ‘snoopers’ charter’

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