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Neil deGrasse Tyson on faster-than-light particles (live streamed event starts at 7:30 pm Eastern)

Video streaming by Ustream

Tonight, at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts a roundtable debate on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, its discontents, and how likely the theory is to stand the test of time.

You’re all familiar with the recent drama in this department—data from the OPERA experiment in Italy that purported to find neutrinos moving faster than the speed of light. That has since turned out to be the result of a faulty GPS system, but it’s not the only challenge to Einstein, and some of those questions can’t be discounted nearly as easily.

The debate—which features scientists from UCLA, CERN, Boston University, the MITRE Center, the University of Bologna, and Louisiana State University—starts at 7:30 pm Eastern. You can watch the whole thing in the live stream embedded above.

You can also participate in the debate by tweeting questions to deGrasse Tyson and the panel. You can do that by tagging your question with the hashtag #AsimovDebate.

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