Business Here are the moats and walls Facebook has been building for years to defend against #DeleteFacebook Cory Doctorow
Business Facebook deathwatch: a decade ago, it was impossible to imagine the fall of Myspace Cory Doctorow
web theory Five years after Google conquered and abandoned RSS, the news-reader ecosystem is showing green shoots Cory Doctorow
videos How Russian investigative journalists working for precarious free press outlets exposed the "troll factory" Cory Doctorow
web theory Facebook once boasted of its ability to sway elections, now it has buried those pages Cory Doctorow
Copyfight European Parliament ambushed by doctored version of pending internet censorship rules that sneaks filtering into all online services Cory Doctorow
Science Study finds that false news spreads faster than truth online, thanks to humans (not bots) Cory Doctorow
web theory Rhode Island proposes blocking all online porn and charging $20 to unblock it Cory Doctorow
privacy Adblock will cache popular Javascript libraries, meaning adblocked pages will be faster and less janky Cory Doctorow
web theory Now that Trump's FCC has killed Net Neutrality, we all need to participate in instrumenting the net to document violations Cory Doctorow
politics A census of leading Italian politicians' Twitter followings finds a horde of zombies and bots Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Browser extensions to restore "View Image" and "Search By Image" to Google Image search results Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Wikipedia discontinues its "zero-rating," will focus on research-driven outreach Cory Doctorow
videos AT&T's 1993 "You Will" ads, the rightest wrong things ever predicted about the internet Cory Doctorow