Copyfight One of the net's most important freedom canaries died the day the W3C greenlit web-wide DRM; what can we learn from the fight? Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Researchers craft Android app that reveals menagerie of hidden spyware; legally barred from doing the same with iOS Cory Doctorow
Business The video game industry's best-of-class DRM is routinely cracked in less than 24 hours Cory Doctorow
scholarship Distinguished scientist on the mistakes pundits make when they predict the future of AI Cory Doctorow
security Canary claws back cloud features from its IoT camera, starts charging $10/month Cory Doctorow
Copyfight World Wide Web Consortium abandons consensus, standardizes DRM with 58.4% support, EFF resigns Cory Doctorow
Business FTC settles with Lenovo over selling laptops deliberately infected with Superfish spyware Cory Doctorow
security Hiding malware in boobytrapped replacement screens would undetectably compromise your mobile device Cory Doctorow
law Defcon vote-hacking village shows that "secure" voting machines can be broken in minutes Cory Doctorow
privacy China forces Xinjiang Uyghurs to install mobile spyware, enforces with stop-and-frisk Cory Doctorow
security Security researcher arrested after he warns Hungarian transit company about their dumb mistake Cory Doctorow