politics Russian dissident warns that the anti-Trump movement's Russian conspiracy theories are a distraction Cory Doctorow
scholarship Breitbart was a unique driver of hyper-partisan, trumpist news that shifted the 2016 election Cory Doctorow
elections Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson threatens legal retaliation against constituent who won't give up trying to talk to him Cory Doctorow
politics Trump tells America's attorneys general that Jews might be desecrating their own cemeteries to make him look bad Cory Doctorow
uspoli After a century of resisting monopolies, Democrats became the party of finance capitalism and it cost them the election Cory Doctorow
politics Confronted by angry voters, GOP Senator Joni Ernst flees Iowa town hall through a side-door Cory Doctorow
trumpism Deliberate leaking is a time-honored government tactic that Trump doesn't understand Cory Doctorow
trumpism Almost everything Trump has done since taking office has been a meaningless publicity stunt Cory Doctorow
happy mutants House Republicans just voted to defund the agency that fights election hacking Cory Doctorow
videos Utah's Jason Chaffetz meets the Resistance: protesters chant "DO YOUR JOB" at his town hall Cory Doctorow
corruption These four oil-fattened Democratic Senators helped the GOP confirm Exxon's Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State Cory Doctorow
politics Billionaire charter-school advocate and political donor calls Betsy DeVos "unprepared and unqualified" Cory Doctorow
politics Lawrence Lessig on how Congress should behave when the president breaks the law Cory Doctorow
corruption Trump appointees are violating the law that prevents them from regulating their former bosses Cory Doctorow