corruption Appeals court orders Obama administration to disclose the legal theory for assassination of Americans Cory Doctorow
Science House Science Committee: a parliament of Creationists, Climate Deniers (and dunces) Cory Doctorow
Science Sen Lamar Alexander: if shills have to tell Congress who's paying them, it will "chill speech" Cory Doctorow
corruption Obama administration will make tiny, nearly meaningless changes to illegal bulk phone spying Cory Doctorow
corruption Whistleblower: NSA secretly continues Merkel surveillance by bugging other German officials Cory Doctorow
Business Obama's top Trans-Pacific Partnership officials were given millions by banks before taking the job Cory Doctorow
corruption Leaked US independent surveillance watchdog report concludes NSA program is illegal and recommends shut-down Cory Doctorow
Copyfight FBI agent tries to copyright super-secret torture manual, inadvertently makes it public Cory Doctorow