social media How cities can serve as a model for social media platforms to build better community spaces Thom Dunn
writing tools The Writers' Co-op is a great new podcast about how to make your freelance writing career work Thom Dunn
Comics Friday: the new digital-first, pay-what-you-want Lovecraftian YA detective comic from Ed Brubaker, Marcos Martin, and Muntsa Vicente Thom Dunn
fbi The FBI doesn't need Apple to give it a backdoor to encryption, because it already has all the access it needs Thom Dunn
Health Care Healthcare choice in America is a scam, according to the people who came up with it Thom Dunn
white nationalism This Washington State Representative has been accused of domestic terrorism and won't step down Thom Dunn
police Bill Barr's police speech proves the GOP doesn't actually care about "small government." Thom Dunn
law enforcement That Robot Dog from Boston Dynamics has a new job on the Massachusetts State Police Bomb Squad Thom Dunn
climate change There's 22 million gallons of nuclear waste under a concrete dome on a Pacific Island, and it's sinking Thom Dunn
facebook With repetition, most of us will become inured to all the dirty tricks of Facebook attention-manipulation Cory Doctorow
social media The Weinstein Effect is already taking a readership toll on the lefty blogosphere Andrea James
uk The Tories' failed £1.2m social smear ads reveal callouses on our attention’s tender spots Cory Doctorow