News Unhinged Trump coronavirus briefing: 'There will be death,' says 1,000 military personnel going to NY Xeni Jardin
politics Trump tweets of 'decades long awaited Infrastructure Bill,' which is 'VERY BIG & BOLD, Two Trillion Dollars' Xeni Jardin
trump Like a baby, Trump launches into a tirade about asking questions he doesn't like Jason Weisberger
trump Trump to rank coronavirus risk of U.S. counties, tells governors they can decide to relax COVID-19 restrictions Xeni Jardin
News If coronavirus restrictions end prematurely, 'President Trump will have blood on his hands,' public health expert says Xeni Jardin
trump 'Detrimental to my election success': Trump blames 'LameStream Media' for coronavirus shutdown Xeni Jardin
trump Trump: 'I would love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter' Xeni Jardin
trump After Trump touts chloroquine + hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 cure, India pharma co to get reprieve from U.S. ban over quality concerns Xeni Jardin
trump Supercut of Trump saying coronavirus was fake news, until he suddenly said he knew it was a pandemic all along Rob Beschizza
trump Trump to visit FEMA for coronavirus video call with Governors. What could go wrong? Xeni Jardin
trump Trump signed his name to DOW chart when it artificially blipped up. Now look at it Mark Frauenfelder
trump Trump to states: 'Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves' Xeni Jardin
politics Trump on Coronavirus: "We need a little separation… It's gonna go away. It's gonna go away" Xeni Jardin