corruption Payday lenders switched their trade show to a Trump hotel and sent Trump at least a million bucks, then he gave them carte blanche to make billions preying on poor people Cory Doctorow
corruption California State lawmaker Miguel Santiago says he's a Democrat, but he's single-handedly killing state Net Neutrality Cory Doctorow
free as in free buses French city makes its buses free, spurring new ridership and decreasing car use Clive Thompson
happy mutants The Canadian government has released the surprisingly sensible results of its extensive, year-long review of copyright law Michael Geist
politics Most Republican voters were Trumpists before Trump, and most of the rest have converted since 2016 Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism London's new high-rises: speculators' luxury flats designed never to be occupied Cory Doctorow
trumpism Border family separation isn't "zero tolerance" – CBP looked for parents to charge so they could kidnap kids Cory Doctorow
Entertainment On Justified, Raylan’s getting a little old for this… [Recap, season 5, episode 10] K.M. McFarland
corruption Leaked top-secret court order shows that NSA engages in bulk, sustained, warrantless surveillance of Americans Cory Doctorow
books Make it So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction – "Sex with Technology" Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Canadian Supreme Court copyright rules will eviscerate Access Canada's business model Cory Doctorow