ibm IBM bans USB, SD cards, flash drives and all other portable devices from every office, worldwide Carla Sinclair
twitter Twitter wants to develop an open, decentralized, federated social media standard…and then join it Cory Doctorow
security Propublica finds millions of Americans' medical images and data sitting on unprotected, publicly accessible servers Cory Doctorow
surveillance Hong Kong's #612strike protest movement: a million strong, leaderless, wireless and smart as hell Cory Doctorow
security Consumer Reports finds that D-Link's home camera sends unencrypted video without unique passwords Cory Doctorow
News North Korea: Operatives exploited Facebook, LinkedIn, other social media sites to get money and dodge sanctions Xeni Jardin
Eric Holder was the worst Attorney General for the press in a generation. We deserve better. Trevor Timm
When can FBI use National Security letters to go after reporters? Sorry, that's classified. Trevor Timm
politics Bahrain: anti-government protests continue despite brutal crackdown (big photo gallery) Xeni Jardin
News Yo dawg, I heard you like TSA security restrictions, so I put some security restrictions on top of your security restrictions Xeni Jardin