politics 'Acting' Navy Sec. Modly resigns after insulting ousted coronavirus ship commander Crozier as 'stupid' Xeni Jardin
News SCOTUS rules Donald Trump financial records must be released to NY DA, but House won't get tax returns before election Xeni Jardin
photography Sixth great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson re-creates his presidential portrait Rusty Blazenhoff
science fiction "Southland Tales" is the perfect hot mess of a movie for the 4th of July in the hellscape of 2020 Thom Dunn
police violence A US Air Force Sergeant linked to Boogaloo Bois charged with killing police officer Thom Dunn
trump What if Trump loses but refuses to go? Alarming interview with a law professor Mark Frauenfelder
News George Floyd killing: Derek Chauvin charges elevated to 2nd degree murder, and 3 more Minneapolis officers charged Xeni Jardin
social distancing In quarantine, Thomas Dolby's kids turn dad's hit "Europa…" into "Corona…" Gareth Branwyn
Science NASA released this astonishing image in celebration of Hubble's 30th anniversary David Pescovitz