books Lost nearly had a completely different leader, who probably wouldn't have grown a beard Jamie Frevele
putin Putin just demonstrated how a leader can constitutionally lock himself into power forever Thom Dunn
china Hong Kong's #612strike uprising is alive to surveillance threats, but its countermeasures are woefully inadequate Cory Doctorow
surveillance Hong Kong's #612strike protest movement: a million strong, leaderless, wireless and smart as hell Cory Doctorow
authoritarianism The latest popular uprising in Hong Kong is fighting to keep Beijing from dragging dissidents to mainland China Cory Doctorow
picks Turkey: Military junta takes over CNN Turk studios, but broadcast continues and it's surreal Xeni Jardin
Gadgets The Headset Revolution will be a blizzard of conflicting realities—if it happens, that is Jason Louv
politics Venezuela: 'After being promised paradise we are living in a nightmare.' Guido D. Núñez-Mujica
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