happy mutants Coming soon to a city near you: HUMP, Dan Savage's amateur smut fest, banned from Facebook! Cory Doctorow
mckinsey McKinsey's internal mythology compares management consultants to "the Marine Corps, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Jesuits" Cory Doctorow
uk Labour pledges universal broadband and nationwide fibre, will renationalise the farcical, terrible BT Openreach Cory Doctorow
surveillance Effective July 15, British porn consumers will be required entrust their sexual tastes to private companies' badly secured databases Cory Doctorow
Environment Organic cotton shopping bags have to be used 20,000 times before they're better for the Earth than plastic disposables Cory Doctorow
Sex Facebook won't accept ads for Hump, Dan Savage's delightful homebrew porno film-festival Cory Doctorow
Copyfight The EU hired a company that had been lobbying for the Copyright Directive to make a (completely batshit) video to sell the Copyright Directive Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Defcon Voting Village report shows that hacking voting machines takes less time than voting Cory Doctorow
security Intel's Management Engine, a secure-computer-within-your-computer, is really, really insecure Cory Doctorow
happy mutants You can help the web be better in 2018: just ditch Facebook and use your browser instead Cory Doctorow