apple Apple bans an app because Hong Kong protesters might use it to avoid the murderous, out of control police Cory Doctorow
china Hong Kong's #612strike uprising is alive to surveillance threats, but its countermeasures are woefully inadequate Cory Doctorow
surveillance Hong Kong's #612strike protest movement: a million strong, leaderless, wireless and smart as hell Cory Doctorow
security Nest's "ease of use" imperative plus poor integration with Google security has turned it into a hacker's playground Cory Doctorow
oshw This year's Electromagnetic Field hacker campout demonstrated the awesome power of DIY cellphones and DIY stingrays Cory Doctorow
surveillance Oh for fuck's sake, not this fucking bullshit again (cryptography edition) Cory Doctorow
happy mutants EFF has released STARTTLS Everywhere: free tools to encrypt email between mail servers Cory Doctorow
security FBI sinkholes a key domain used by the malware that infected 500,000 home routers, declares partial victory and Russian attribution Cory Doctorow
spooks Australia announces plan to ban working cryptography at home and in the US, UK, New Zealand, and Canada Cory Doctorow
Old school How East Germany's Stasi tried to drive activists insane, and how they resisted Cory Doctorow
Business Russia's slot-machine bans let criminals buy machines on the cheap and reverse-engineer them Cory Doctorow