security Nest's "ease of use" imperative plus poor integration with Google security has turned it into a hacker's playground Cory Doctorow
law British Member of Parliament publishes 250 pages of damning internal Facebook documents that had been sealed by a US court Cory Doctorow
Business Google's secret project to build a censored Chinese search engine bypassed the company's own security and privacy teams Cory Doctorow
Business British Parliament seizes internal Facebook documents by threatening to jail a rival exec Cory Doctorow
Business Big Tech has established a "kill zone" of business ideas that startups can't get funded to try Cory Doctorow
science fiction Ted Chiang: Elon Musk's fear of runaway AI is a projection of his repressed terror of runaway corporations Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tim O'Reilly's WTF? A book that tells us how to keep the technology baby and throw out the Big Tech bathwater Cory Doctorow
urban theory NYC civic hackers invite frustrated Silicon Valleyites to do good in New York Cory Doctorow
books Sourdough: a delicious story about nerdism and the flesh, by Robin "Mr Penumbra" Sloan Cory Doctorow
politics Canadian tech firms will have their pick of overseas talent thanks to Trump's anti-immigrant policies Cory Doctorow