science fiction The FBI kept files on author Ray Bradbury: "Definitely slanted against the United States" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The End of the Internet Dream: the speech that won Black Hat (and Defcon) Cory Doctorow
Business LAPD & Chicago bought "Stingrays on steroids" with asset-forfeiture & DHS money Cory Doctorow
corruption Germany's top prosecutor fired for bringing "treason" charge against Netzpolitik Cory Doctorow
corruption German prosecutors give spies a walk, but investigate journalists for "treason" Cory Doctorow
corruption London terror cops forced to admit they're still investigating journos who reported Snowden leaks Cory Doctorow
corruption Laura Poitras sues the US Government to find out why she was repeatedly detained in airports Cory Doctorow
Happy Mutants EFF's new certificate authority publishes an all-zero, pre-release transparency report Cory Doctorow
corruption XKEYSCORE: under the hood of the NSA's search engine for your Internet activity Cory Doctorow