corruption Germany's top prosecutor fired for bringing "treason" charge against Netzpolitik Cory Doctorow
politics Journalists around the world voice support for Netzpolitik after outrageous 'treason' investigation Trevor Timm
politics We're suing the Justice Department over FBI’s secret rules for using National Security Letters on journalists Trevor Timm
corruption London terror cops forced to admit they're still investigating journos who reported Snowden leaks Cory Doctorow
corruption Laura Poitras sues the US Government to find out why she was repeatedly detained in airports Cory Doctorow
corruption XKEYSCORE: under the hood of the NSA's search engine for your Internet activity Cory Doctorow
corruption GCHQ spied on Amnesty International, Investigatory Powers Tribunal lied about it Cory Doctorow
corruption Schneier: China and Russia probably did get the Snowden leaks — by hacking the NSA Cory Doctorow
politics CNN interview with author of discredited Sunday Times story on Snowden is painful to watch Xeni Jardin
surveillance "Reporter" who wrote ridiculous story about Snowden leaks in China admits he was just acting as a government stenographer Cory Doctorow
corruption UK spies claim Russians know how to break the crypto they say is unbreakable, even on unavailable files Cory Doctorow