stormy daniels Body language expert analyzes Stormy Daniels' appearance on 60 Minutes Rusty Blazenhoff
google Indigenous elder on Sidewalk Labs's Toronto consultation: "like being given blankets and gun powder and whisky to trade for our participation" Cory Doctorow
racist NorCal neighbors complain as total jerk cements large swastika in his front yard Jason Weisberger
Sex Facebook won't accept ads for Hump, Dan Savage's delightful homebrew porno film-festival Cory Doctorow
music THE BUREAU: Part Two, "The President Is Visiting at Noon!" — with Soma's Lyra-8 Organismic Synthesizer Ethan Persoff
sketchy outfits Listen to this call I got from some outfit called Associated Community Services Mark Frauenfelder
racism Trump supporter berates black Lyft driver with racial slurs and calls cops because he wouldn't put the radio on Rob Beschizza
mistakes Brooklyn College prof: boys aren't men unless they sexually assault someone at school Rob Beschizza
picks Elon Musk again insinuates cave diver is a pedophile: "You don't think it's strange he hasn't sued me?" Rob Beschizza
trumpism With the number of people living under dictatorships up by a billion, a reminder of dictators' deceptively humanizing traits Cory Doctorow
china China's pervasive "social credit" scheme is still in development, but already profoundly shaping public behavior Cory Doctorow
china Chinese jaywalkers are identified and shamed by facial recognition, and now they'll get warnings over text message Cory Doctorow
corruption Chinese surveillance/tech giant Alibaba joins ALEC, will start co-authoring US legislation Cory Doctorow
china China's mass surveillance and pervasive social controls are based on a rocket scientist's advocacy for "systems thinking" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants My short story about better cities, where networks give us the freedom to schedule our lives to avoid heat-waves and traffic jams Cory Doctorow