criminals Incarcerated fraudster Martin Shkreli says he can cure coronavirus if he's released from prison Mark Frauenfelder
health Big Pharma's origin: how the Chicago School and private equity shifted medicine's focus from health to wealth Cory Doctorow
Business After boasting about running his company from prison, Martin Shkreli gets solitary confinement Cory Doctorow
health After promising health care execs that Medicare for All was dead, Pelosi's team plans toothless pharma deal Cory Doctorow
Business One of pharma's most notorious gougers is going bankrupt, but 2019 is a banner year for shkreli-grade pharmaceutical price-hikes Cory Doctorow
corruption Elizabeth Warren's new bill: let the US government manufacture generic versions of overpriced, unavailable drugs Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Zephyr Teachout wins the New York Times's endorsement for Attorney General of New York State Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Four Thieves Vinegar Collective: DIY epipens were just the start, now it's home bioreactors to thwart Big Pharma's price-gouging Cory Doctorow
Business Shkrelifreude: while Martin Shkreli rots in prison, his price-gouging pharma company is hemorrhaging money Cory Doctorow
crime Spectacular read: a profile of Anna Sorokin, a con-artist who convinced New York that she was a high-rolling socialite trust-funder Cory Doctorow
Lost by a hair Martin Shkreli's request for a minimum-security federal camp is denied — he's going to prison Mark Frauenfelder
crooks Martin Shkreli ordered to give up $7.4 million, including his one-of-a-kind Wu Tang Clan album Mark Frauenfelder