Technology Fashion designer's robotic "Proximity Dress" automatically poofs out for physical distancing from the wearer David Pescovitz
photography Image Scrubber is a website that removes EXIF data and blurs faces in photos Mark Frauenfelder
military That text informing you that you've been drafted into the US Army? It's fake. For now. David Pescovitz
eff We need to save .ORG from arbitrary censorship by halting the private equity buy-out Mitch Stoltz
wikipedia Someone at the NRA has been quietly editing Holocaust Denial articles on Wikipedia Thom Dunn
Science Artificial tongue's nanoscale "tastebuds" can sort real whisky from counterfeits more than 99% of the time Cory Doctorow
monopolism Share prices slide as DOJ announces sweeping antitrust investigations of Big Tech Cory Doctorow
uk UK ISP Association, spies, censorship organsation jointly condemn Mozilla for supporting secure DNS because it breaks UK internet censorship rules Cory Doctorow