late stage capitalism Congressional shaming prompts notorious Pentagon price-gouger to refund $16.1m Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Democrats unveil "Internet Bill of Rights": transparency, privacy, control, notification, Net Neutrality, competition, accountability Cory Doctorow
Business Bernie Sanders' new bill will force companies to reimburse governments for low-paid employees' welfare costs Cory Doctorow
labor Liberaltarianism: Silicon Valley's emerging ideology of "disruption with economic airbags" Cory Doctorow
surveillance Congressional Democrats have so little faith in Trump's leadership that they've awarded him the power to conduct limitless, warrantless mass surveillance of Americans Cory Doctorow
Chris Christie Prosecutors and defense lawyers agree – Chris Christie knew about bridge lane closures as they happened Mark Frauenfelder
obama Obama’s secret attempt to ban cellphone unlocking, while claiming to support it Mark Frauenfelder