Gadgets PayPal: if you don't like the violin you bought, smash it and we'll give you your money back Cory Doctorow
Business YouTube's real pirates: multinational companies that claim ownership over public domain videos Cory Doctorow
finance TCF bank penalizes kid with $4.85 in his account by charging him $234.95 in fees in two weeks Cory Doctorow
corruption Croatian transparency activists publish enormous database of government procurements, pointing the way to detecting corruption and fraud Cory Doctorow
Business Penguin fights Amazon by cutting off libraries' access to the books they've paid for (Updated) Cory Doctorow
Business Bank of America rakes in big debit-card fees from people withdrawing unemployment benefits Cory Doctorow
Business Writer: "my publisher said I could only get the rights to my out-of-print book back if I bought their leftover copies from them" Cory Doctorow
security How online crooks use "work from home" patsies to launder goods and forward them offshore Cory Doctorow