videos Woman who accused Roy Moore is homeless after her house burned down, fire investigated as arson Cory Doctorow
gender Tehran's police tell women that violations of religious dress codes will henceforth be treated as civil offenses, not criminal offenses Cory Doctorow
Sex After priest/child rape scandal, Australian Archbishop says he'll ask the Pope to allow priests to have sex Cory Doctorow
law Religious fanatics go to the Supreme Court for the First Amendment right to trick women into bearing unwanted children Cory Doctorow
religion Roy Moore is still in the running because "values voters" would support Satan himself if he was anti-abortion and homophobic Cory Doctorow
usausausa Roy Moore's scandal is just the tip of American evangelical Christianity's child bride problem Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Trumpists and evangelicals make apologies for GOP Senate nominee accused of sexually assaulting teen girls Cory Doctorow
corruption Republican lawmaker Doug Cox tricked legislature into exempting "Christian" forced-labor camps from regulation Cory Doctorow
Funny Deposit "tips" that are actually fake money with Bible verses in the church collection plate Cory Doctorow
trumpism A pacifist minister reflects on the antifa who protected protesters from Charlottesville's armed Nazis Cory Doctorow
religion Atheists should be “hunted down vehemently” by authorities, says Malaysian minister Mark Frauenfelder
canada Uptight Ottawa Catholics outraged that Archbishop allowed giant robot spider on cathedral roof Cory Doctorow
religion The Cheesecake Factory has bankrolled a huge temple in an unincorporated California town Cory Doctorow