trump Trump wants to kill the International Criminal Court to protect US war criminals from prosecution for Afghan crimes Cory Doctorow
administrative incompetence Donations to help Puerto Ricans in wake of hurricane left to rot Seamus Bellamy
trumpism Puerto Rico, abandoned by Trump and facing disaster capitalism looting by big business, turns to socialist and anarchist collectives to rebuild Cory Doctorow
Business Getting rid of EU territorial restrictions is good for minority languages and creators Cory Doctorow
Entertainment True Detective barrels into the darkness of new cross-genre territory. TV recap: 'The Secret Fate of All Life,' S1 Ep. 5 K.M. McFarland
Entertainment A masterful long take brings True Detective to its midpoint [Recap: “Who Goes There,” S1 Ep4] K.M. McFarland
guatemala Guatemala: Rios Montt genocide trial struggles toward completion as confusion reigns in courtroom Xeni Jardin