Health Care Judge recuses himself from health insurance cancer-denial case because he considers the company "immoral" and "barbaric" Cory Doctorow
chelsea manning An update from Chelsea Manning's support team on her ongoing incarceration Cory Doctorow
security Report: UK "Ransomware consultants" Red Mosquito promise to unlock your data, but they're just paying off the criminals (and charging you a markup!) Cory Doctorow
Gadgets The Intercept's top security expert reviews Helm, a standalone home email server that keeps your comms out of Big Tech's data-centers Cory Doctorow
usausausa Incentives matter: America's for-profit medical industry thrives on massive wastage, unnecessary procedures, overbilling and overtreating Cory Doctorow
Science NASA’s Juno spacecraft will brave Jupiter’s fireworks this 4th of July for Science Xeni Jardin
Science CERN scientists release 300 terabytes of Large Hadron Collider data, free and open Xeni Jardin