corruption DHS admits it uses Stingrays for VIPs, vows to sometimes get warrants, stop lying to judges Cory Doctorow
Business 23andme & aggregated the world's DNA; the police obliged them by asking for it Cory Doctorow
corruption UK MPs learn that GCHQ can spy on them, too, so now we may get a debate on surveillance Cory Doctorow
Science Big Data's religious faith denies the reality of failed promises, privacy Chernobyls Cory Doctorow
security Mayor of Stockton, CA detained by DHS at SFO, forced to give up laptop password Cory Doctorow
security Data breaches are winning the privacy wars, so what should privacy advocates do? Cory Doctorow
politics Right to Encrypt is under fire in America. is fighting for your crypto rights. Xeni Jardin