surveillance Wired profiles NSA's Keith Alexander, the general leading America into cyberwar Xeni Jardin
security Lessig: It's time to rewrite the internet to give us better privacy and security Xeni Jardin
nsa Rep. Peter King calls for prosecution of journalists covering NSA whistleblower story Xeni Jardin
surveillance Moxie Marlinspike on the NSA spying revelations: We Should All Have Something To Hide Xeni Jardin
surveillance Not much political will to change NSA's no-longer-secret phone spying program Xeni Jardin
nsa Julian Assange and John Perry Barlow in joint interview on NSA Prism leaks: "Snowden is a hero" Xeni Jardin
surveillance That NSA Prism PowerPoint deck: A better-designed version, and what's in the missing slides? Xeni Jardin