native americans That time George Washington ordered "total destruction and devastation" of the Haudenosaunee Thom Dunn
mean monkey monday A very angry macaque monkey on a motorcycle tried to steal a human child in Jakarta Thom Dunn
politics Trump calls Voice of America's work “disgusting”, threatens to adjourn Congress so he can put a crony in charge of VOA Xeni Jardin
social distancing Idiots in the UK risk their community for the sake of socialization and bouncy castles Seamus Bellamy
apple Apple deleted files that I owned without telling me. It was inevitable, but I'm still pissed. Thom Dunn
Japan Tokyo installing public urinals made from iron to stop a rash of toilet smashing David Pescovitz
politics 'Shadow' app that failed in Iowa caucus was doomed from the start, say those forced to use it Xeni Jardin
toilets New magazine all about restrooms publishes a growing list of bathroom codes in NYC and beyond David Pescovitz
racism Calabasas fan of Nazism forced to remove public display from his condo balcony Jason Weisberger