happy mutants Major artists record song to benefit MegaUpload, even as RIAA vilifies it as a "pirate site" Cory Doctorow
Science ESP proponents claim that ESP skeptics are psychic, and use their powers to suppress ESP Cory Doctorow
politics Wire creator to atty gen'l: "Thanks for your interest in another season; end the war on drugs and we'll talk" Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Movie-industry self-piracy proves that IP addresses aren't people, invalidates copyright enforcement schemes Cory Doctorow
Copyfight New Zealand Parliament may lose Internet access due to insane new copyright law Cory Doctorow
petard KFC: support diabetes research by buying an 800 calorie, 56 spoonful of sugar "Mega Jug" Cory Doctorow
petard GOP legislative aide works on punitive voter ID bill, boasts of illegally voting in another district Cory Doctorow