elections Pete Buttigieg's prizewinning high-school essay praising Bernie Sanders: "the power to win back the faith of a voting public weary and wary of political opportunism" Cory Doctorow
Games Gamers propose punishing Blizzard for its anti-Hong Kong partisanship by flooding it with GDPR requests Cory Doctorow
scholarship An academic pollster explains why she thinks any Democratic nominee will win the presidency in 2020 Cory Doctorow
scholarship White Americans abandoned democracy and embraced authoritarianism when they realized brown people would soon outvote them Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Analysis of all the elections since Trump produces no clear answers on the class and suburban/urban correlates of flippability Cory Doctorow
politics In the USA, Trump supporters are the most prolific users and sharers of "junk news" (a mix of untruth and distastefully presented materials) Cory Doctorow
trumpism Even though Trump supporters are impervious to fact-checks on most subjects, they still know that the GOP tax plan is a giveaway to the super-rich Cory Doctorow
politics Debullshitifying the free speech debate about CNN and Trump's alt-right wrestling GIF Cory Doctorow
politics Why is Congress so clueless about tech? Because they fired all their experts 20 years ago Cory Doctorow
politics The Democratic Party's SOPA-loving, Snowden-hating, Hillary-partisan power-broker has her first-ever primary challenger Cory Doctorow
President Obama's tech-centered State of the Union: full text, and digital rights concerns Xeni Jardin