louis vuitton There's a Louis Vuitton ping pong set and it's still cheaper than that Tiffany's ball of yarn Rusty Blazenhoff
finance Trump's chief Goldman-Sachs goblin tells America they can buy a new car for $1000 Cory Doctorow
novels An interview with Charlie Kaufman about his new novel takes a weirdly meta Kaufman-esque turn Thom Dunn
goldman sachs Man who helped cause 2008 financial crash suddenly very concerned about the economy Thom Dunn
christ what an asshole New Hampshire state Rep John Potucek kills Right to Repair bill: "cellphones are throwaways…just get a new one" Cory Doctorow
Business For 20+ years, Japan's largest companies have been riddled with corruption and fraud Cory Doctorow
twitter A viral "angriest librarian" explains why America needs libraries now more than ever Cory Doctorow
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happy mutants Canadian government thinktank warns that renewables will gut market for Canada's dirty oil Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Where Does All That Mucus Come From?: Teaching Kids About How Their Bodies Work Maris Wicks