Science 65 out of the top 100 most-cited scientific papers are behind a paywall, with a weighted average cost of $32.33/each Cory Doctorow
security WPA2 was kracked because it was based on a closed standard that you needed to pay to read Cory Doctorow
Science Fundraising for Diego Gómez, grad student who faced criminal charges for sharing a scientific paper Cory Doctorow
Science Colombian biologist won't go to jail for 8 years for sharing a scientific paper (probably) Cory Doctorow
scholarship A university librarian explains why her zine collection's catalog is open access Cory Doctorow
class war The World Wealth and Income Database: data and visualizations from 110 researchers in 70 countries Cory Doctorow
Science McGill Neurology will no longer patent researchers' findings, instead everything will be open access Cory Doctorow
Science Mysterious medical research consortium: we should own volunteers' clinical trial data for 5 years Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Citizen Maths: free, open mathematical literacy for everyone John Rees and Seb Schmoller