security Every email NSA says it got after asking Americans for tips on how to protect their privacy Xeni Jardin
security Now we know the NSA blew the black budget breaking crypto, how can you defend yourself? Cory Doctorow
security The NSA sure breaks a lot of "unbreakable" crypto. This is probably how they do it. Cory Doctorow
politics Anti-surveillance activists send a drone to pamphlet-bomb an NSA complex in Germany Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Smurfs vs phones: GCHQ's smartphone malware can take pics, listen in even when phone is off Cory Doctorow
politics Right to Encrypt is under fire in America. is fighting for your crypto rights. Xeni Jardin
corruption Germany's spy agency gave the NSA the private data of German citizens in exchange for Xkeyscore access Cory Doctorow
corruption German prosecutors give spies a walk, but investigate journalists for "treason" Cory Doctorow
security Moxie Marlinspike profiled in WSJ. Obama thinks secure messaging apps like the one he built are “a problem.” Xeni Jardin