telcoms Between Trump, Ajit Pai and a GOP Congress, there's never been a better time for a terrible Sprint/T-Mobile merger Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole FCC refuses public records request about Ajit Pai's monumentally unfunny "comedy" videos Cory Doctorow
law Lobbyist for AT&T and Verizon publishes a threat to "aggressively" sue any states that pass net neutrality laws Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Washington State lawmaker thinks the courts will uphold state Net Neutrality law because the FCC abdicated its duty Cory Doctorow
Business Packets, Please: fastpaced game challenges you to run a corrupt, non-neutral ISP Cory Doctorow
web theory Rhode Island proposes blocking all online porn and charging $20 to unblock it Cory Doctorow
trumpism Ajit Pai forced to return the gun the NRA gave him as a prize for his neutracidal rampage Cory Doctorow
politics Democrats, citing Hayek, introduce Net Neutrality bill to force lawmakers to take an on-record position prior to the midterms Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Wikipedia discontinues its "zero-rating," will focus on research-driven outreach Cory Doctorow
News Net Neutrality: Facebook, Amazon, Google push Congress to restore internet protections stripped by Trump FCC Xeni Jardin
net neutrality New Jersey goes Neutral: NJ joins Montana, New York and California in crafting state Net Neutrality rules Cory Doctorow
california California joins Montana and New York in creating state Net Neutrality rules Cory Doctorow
uspoli New York joins Montana in Net Neutrality, bans non-Neutral ISPs from supplying government agencies Cory Doctorow
videos Burger King's Net Neutrality/Whopper Neutrality video is surprisingly excellent and says something about mainstreaming of net policy Cory Doctorow
corruption Despite the FCC, more than 750 predominantly conservative US communities have built their own publicly owned ISPs Cory Doctorow
fraud Congressional Budget Office will (eventually) investigate the millions of fraudulent anti-Net Neutrality comments sent to the FCC Cory Doctorow
telcoms Governor of Montana signs executive order banning state from doing business with non-neutral ISPs Cory Doctorow