security Moxie Marlinspike profiled in WSJ. Obama thinks secure messaging apps like the one he built are “a problem.” Xeni Jardin
security Whatsapp: Facebook's ability to decrypt messages is a "limitation," not a "defect" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants A profile of Moxie Marlinspike: the seagoing anarchist cryptographer who brought private messaging to millions Cory Doctorow
crypto As FBI war on crypto intensifies, Facebook, Google, WhatsApp to intensify use of encryption Xeni Jardin
surveillance Moxie Marlinspike on the NSA spying revelations: We Should All Have Something To Hide Xeni Jardin
News US orders Twitter to hand over account data on Wikileaks and multiple Wikileaks supporters Xeni Jardin
Technology Why are the feds surveilling and repeatedly detaining computer security researcher Moxie Marlinspike? Xeni Jardin