grifters George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin's mother for $100M in order to promote a movie Thom Dunn
wikipedia Someone at the NRA has been quietly editing Holocaust Denial articles on Wikipedia Thom Dunn
fbi The FBI keeps boasting about all its "domestic terror" arrests, but it can't name a single one Cory Doctorow
health The widening health gap between America's rich and poor is the result of worse health for the poor, not better health for the rich Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The worst possible version of the EU Copyright Directive has sparked a German uprising Cory Doctorow
History Gentleman who thinks Confederates were the good guys in the Civil War gets epically self-owned Rob Beschizza
petard Inside the triumphant Alex Jones banned everywhere story is a worrying nuance about free speech and platform dominance Cory Doctorow
trump Federal lawsuit links White House, wealthy Trump donor to discredited Fox News story Mark Frauenfelder
law Canadians: tell your MP to change the law so Canada can welcome Trump-stranded refugees Cory Doctorow
politics 370 economists sign letter slamming Trump for 'magical thinking and conspiracy theories' Xeni Jardin