eulas Public outcry has killed an attempt turn clickthrough terms of service into legally binding obligations (for now) Cory Doctorow
Business Riot Games employees walk out to protest forced arbitration for sexual harassment lawsuits Xeni Jardin
late stage capitalism Google ends forced arbitration contracts for workers after googler uprising Cory Doctorow
News Uber and Lyft agree to stop forcing driver sexual assault victims into arbitration, confidentiality agreements Xeni Jardin
law An upcoming Supreme Court ruling could force all workers into forced arbitration, deprived of the right to class lawsuits Cory Doctorow
Business Wells Fargo says that its customers gave up right to sue by having their signatures forged Cory Doctorow
health Safe Patient Project: searchable spreadsheet tells Californians whether their doc is on probation, and why Cory Doctorow