Copyfight European Commission wants to break the web, give publishers the right to charge for inbound links Cory Doctorow
politics Peak billionaire: a billionaire tries to purchase a party nomination to outflank anti-billionaires so he can run against another billionaire Cory Doctorow
publishing Elsevier: "It's illegal to Sci-Hub." Also Elsevier: "We link to Sci-Hub all the time." Cory Doctorow
law British Member of Parliament publishes 250 pages of damning internal Facebook documents that had been sealed by a US court Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Not in our name: Why European creators must oppose the EU's proposal to limit linking and censor the internet Cory Doctorow
politics Russian dissident warns that the anti-Trump movement's Russian conspiracy theories are a distraction Cory Doctorow
censorship London Olympic committee says you're only allowed to link to their site if you have nice things to say Cory Doctorow