Disney Disney CEO will donate to the public school hit with a licensing fee for "illegally" screening The Lion King Mark Frauenfelder
publishing Internet Archive ending free e-books program over publisher lawsuit, National Emergency Library to close for 2 weeks Xeni Jardin
Business Rockstar Games made £4b between 2013-19, paid no corporate tax in the UK, claimed £42m in tax relief Cory Doctorow
Copyfight How #Article13 is like the Inquisition: John Milton Against the EU #CopyrightDirective Ada Palmer
electric scooter sharing Pay-by-the-ride scooters only last a month, according to Louisville public data Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Failed white supremacist "law-and-order" Toronto mayoral candidate is now breaking the law by selling Canadian coat-of-arms merch Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Let's get artists paid by making Big Tech pay them, not by creating EU copyright filters Cory Doctorow
eff EFF just sent this letter to every official negotiating the EU's Copyright Directive Cory Doctorow
Copyfight "We Shall Overcome" has overcome copyfraud and is now unambiguously public domain Cory Doctorow
surveillance BBC will use surveillance powers to sniff Britons' wifi and find license-cheats Cory Doctorow