videos Trailer for Capernaum, a "neorealist movie" about street kids, slum life, modern slavery and migration Cory Doctorow
Technology Feds charge Evil Corp, Russia-based creators of Dridex malware, in $100 million bank hacking spree Xeni Jardin
crime Men arrested for stealing shed by trying to drag it down the road behind a truck David Pescovitz
Kids High school students who will not smile in the hallways are sent to mandatory counselling, while bullying is rampant Cory Doctorow
religion Iran's mass protests were triggered by publication of a budget that revealed the costs of Shia evangelism Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Top Secret: New World Order: Merle M. Rasmussen reboots his 1980 RPG classic Jayson Elliot
books Crooked: a photo catalog of protest signs to benefit the American Refugee Committee, Planned Parenthood, and Reading Partners Soona Amhaz
picks Syrian hacker accused of attacking U.S. for Assad extradited for federal court in Virginia Xeni Jardin