class war A former college admissions dean explains the mundane reverse affirmative action that lets the rich send their kids to the front of the line Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Frontier receives $283.4m/year in taxpayer money, neglects network, rips off customers — and Trump's FCC won't investigate Cory Doctorow
security After elderly tenant was locked in his apartment by his landlord's stupid "smart lock," tenants win right to use actual keys to enter their homes Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Buried in Uber's IPO, an aggressive plan to destroy all public transit Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism "Steering With the Windshield Wipers": why nothing we're doing to fix Big Tech is working Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Big Tech lobbyists and "open for business" Tories killed Ontario's Right-to-Repair legislation Cory Doctorow
Business Avengers: Endgame made $1.2B last weekend and Bernie Sanders wants Disney to spend it on raises that will give all their employees a middle-class wage Cory Doctorow
health Serpent profiteers: how a summer camp snakebite turned into a $142,938 medical bill Cory Doctorow
Business Big Tech's addiction to illegal, overreaching NDAs protects wage discrimination, sexual harassment, and other evils by "terrorizing" employees Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Chase's idiotic poverty-shaming "inspirational" tweet, and Twitter users' magnificent responses thereto Cory Doctorow
education Lawyer for kid whose parents paid $1.2m bribe to get into Yale says the high price shows grifters' anti-Chinese bias Cory Doctorow