Copyfight Chicago's 'Aloha Poke Co' wants Hawaiians to stop using the words 'aloha' and 'poke' Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Ghanaian parliament erupts into giggles as MPs learn about towns called "Vagina is Wise," "Penis is a Fool" and "Testicles are Sad" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Rockstar: a programming language whose code takes the form of power ballads Cory Doctorow
religion Google Translate's deep dream: some translation requests yield weird religious prophesies Cory Doctorow
language Cockygate defeated: judge finds "Cocky" trademark for romance titles unenforceable Cory Doctorow
language Bayer and Monsanto merge into a new company called "Bayer" because Nazis have a better reputation than Big Ag Cory Doctorow
happy mutants An ice-cream maker tries to figure out what AI ice-cream flavors derived from metal band-names would taste like Cory Doctorow