elections This Thanksgiving, don't have a political argument, have a "structured organizing conversation" Cory Doctorow
corruption Elizabeth Warren proposes an "excessive lobbying tax" that would fund independent Congressional experts and public participation in policy Cory Doctorow
web theory Traverse City, MI braves the wrath of telcoms lobbyists, pushes ahead with municipal fiber network Cory Doctorow
elections The GOP stole Wisconsin; now they're trying to steal it again on the way out — PROTEST TODAY! Cory Doctorow
infosec Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Chicagoans can actually play "Machine Learning President," the election RPG Cory Doctorow
corruption Koch thinktank inadvertently proves that America would save trillions by switching to socialized medicine Cory Doctorow
trump Koch brothers publish letter crowing about all the ways Trump spent the year carrying water for them Cory Doctorow
politics The Tea Party's baseless claims of IRS discrimination left the agency on life-support, unable to police dark money gushing through "charities" Cory Doctorow
cable company fuckery Cities want to opportunistically lay fiber lines during big digs, but Koch dark money is trying to stop them Cory Doctorow
class war Leaked memo details Koch Bros' astroturf strategy to lower US corporate tax rate Cory Doctorow
books Book says Daddy Koch built Nazi oil refinery & hired a Nazi nanny for his boys, who blackmailed their gay brother Cory Doctorow